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Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2017


Digital literacy - the term i didn’t even know before joining ONLcourse will be the keynote of my first post. Since I perceive myself as a rather analytical mind I pretty much like this definition: “ digital literacy = digital tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement ” [1] During the first weeks of the course i've also learnt about different theories on how people are able to develop their digital literacies and behave in the digital world. I must say that until now, i had been an involuntary follower of M. Prensky theory [2]. After deeper reflection, the idea of digital natives , who absorb digital technologies all their lives and theoretically should be better in using them, seem irrelevant to me. Some studies showed that the concept of digital native has no direct translation to higher education, since e.g. students born after 1984 use digital technologies, but only few from the wide range of possibilities [3]. The theory of visitors and residents ...

Hello Blogosphere

Hi! My name is Ania. I work at the University of Gdańsk (Poland) as a part time teacher/part time scientist in the field of marine microbiology/biotechnology.  I’m a rookie in the blogosphere. I’ve started this blog, because this month i joined the ONL course. I hope that my blog will be the place for me to stop and reflect on digital world of teaching and learning, in this crazy, fast reality. (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by Sarcasmo  Flickr Image at: