Digital literacy - the term i
didn’t even know before joining ONLcourse will be the keynote of my first post. Since I perceive myself as a rather
analytical mind I pretty much like this definition:
“digital literacy = digital
tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement” [1]
During the first weeks of the course i've also learnt about different
theories on how people are able to develop their digital literacies and behave
in the digital world. I must say that until now, i had been an involuntary
follower of M. Prensky theory [2]. After deeper reflection, the idea of digital
natives, who absorb digital technologies all their lives and theoretically should
be better in using them, seem irrelevant to me. Some studies showed that the
concept of digital native has no direct translation to higher education, since
e.g. students born after 1984 use digital technologies, but only few from the
wide range of possibilities [3]. The theory of visitors and residents created
by D.S White and A. Le Cornu appears to be more convincing to me [4].
While taking the course on digital tools in learning and teaching, it
seems like a good idea, to reflect at the beginning of it, on my place in the digital
world. Apart from very basic knowledge on Microsoft Office I gained at
secondary school, my digital presence started simultaneously in professional
activities (usage of oceanographic databases) and personal life
- music addict (, myspace). Where am I after several years that have
It looks that I’m still more a vistor than a resident, however, this
blog and first of all the ONL, may tip the balance.
Because of the participation in ONL course, i’ve started to think about some topics that are inseparable with
digital literacy and didn’t bother me so much before, e.g. how to find
free-to-use images/videos etc.? how to depersonalize google search? what kind
of digital footprints do i leave ? While searching for materials needed to prepare the lectures, i really
appreciate the small things, the details and hard to find in the articles 'know
how' solutions, that i can discover on thematic, scientific blogs. In the end of
TOPIC 1 of ONL course i finish with the question - shouldn't I start being more
a resident than a visitor and share my knowledge?
2. Prensky M. 2001, Digital natives digital immigrants. On the Horizon NCB University Press, 95(5), 1-6.
3. Margaryan A., Littlejohn A., Vojt G. 2011, Are digital natives myth or reality? University students' use of digital technologies. Computers and Education, 56, 429-440.
4.White D.S., Le Cornu A. 2011, Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday, 16(9)
Good day,
OdpowiedzUsuńI really identified with you in this blog, as I also see myself as more a visitor than a resident. Yet I work daily with computers and on the internet, but my interaction is still either in person or on the phone. A very interesting article by Prensky. Thanks.
Are You more a resident after the course Doulette? I feel like I am ;)